An Introduction to Urban Informatics for Designers and Planners

An Introduction to Urban Informatics for Designers and Planners

Jun 15

Marcus Foth and Kirralie Houghton

Urban Informatics Research Lab

Queensland University of Technology


Smart cities require smart planning and design processes, and digital and mobile technology is thus a significant and timely topic for urban designers and planners. At the UDAL June Forum, we will introduce Urban Informatics as an emerging research field concerned with the integration of people, place, and technology. The Forum will outline three main areas where Urban Informatics can make a difference to the practice of urban designers and planners:

  • tools for better understanding place;
  • tools for community consultation and engagement about place;
  • tools for enhancing place.


The availability of new data sets together with real-time sensor network and social media data will give urban designers and planners a much more accurate and nuanced picture of the issues at stake in their city.

Local and international examples will be used to illustrate the associated benefits for planning and design outcomes.


Thursday, 20 June 2013
5:30pm Registration & light refreshments
6.00 – 7:00pm Forum and discussion


@ QUT Gardens Point, Gibson Room
Level 10, Z Block, QUT Gardens Point


  • $35 UDAL / gov2qld members
  • $25 UDAL student members
  • $45 PIA / AILA / AIA members
  • $60 Non members



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