Category Archives: Call for Papers

CfP: Special Issue on Urban Planning & Community Informatics

Journal of Community Informatics Call for Papers: Special Issue on Urban Planning & Community Informatics Guest editors: Liisa Horelli (Coordinator), Geisa Bugs, Jennifer Cowley, Marcus Foth, Reinout Kleinhans, Joanna Saad-Sulonen, David Sadoway, Carlos Nunes Silva, and Patrick Sunter   The Journal of Community Informatics ( has been a focal point for disseminating research of interest […]

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Urban Agriculture: A Growing Field of Research – Workshop at Interact 2013

INTERACT 2013 | Cape Town SA | 3 September 2013 Urban Agriculture – growing food within urban and peri-urban spaces (Smit, Ratta et al. 1996) – is not a new phenomenon, and in fact was the norm until a combination of factors diminished its popularity. These factors include: rising land value and population density in […]

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