Posts tagged: urbaninformatics

Podcast: Interview John Zheng

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By Joel Fredericks, 02/07/2010 10:55 am

31/03/2010 Interview with John Zheng


Interview with John Zheng who is a strategic planner from the Rockhampton Regional Council. The interview discusses John’s work with the preparation of rewriting new planning schemes and his thoughts on engaging the community through the use of technology.

Podcast: Interview Martin Zaltron

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By Joel Fredericks,

04/11/2009 Interview with Martin Zaltron


Interview with Martin Zaltron who is a manger and director for the Urban Development Institute of Australia, Queensland Branch. The interview will discuss the UDIA’s role in Queensland, neighbourhood planning, environmental sustainability and martin’s thoughts on urban informatics and how it can be used for community engagement.

UBI Challenge Workshop 2010 – Prototyping Real World Urban Computing

By Joel Fredericks, 01/07/2010 2:55 pm

Urban computing is an emerging multidisciplinary field which studies public spaces such as cities as computing sites. It is driven by two related trends, urbanization and rapid deployment of rich computing infrastructure in urban areas. As urban computing systems are by definition culturally situated in the public spaces, their successful development calls for harnessing the real world as your research laboratory.


UBI Challenge Workshop 2010 (UCW 2010) solicits original contributions within the broad scope of real world urban computing. Relevant topics include but are not limited to:

- devices and techniques

- systems and infrastructures

- applications

- methodologies and tools

- theories and models

- experiences

The fundamental requirement for all contributions is that they clearly address real world urban computing in some respect.


The one-day workshop will have two sessions. The morning session comprises of the presentation of the accepted papers and a summary of the recent activities and findings in the ubiquitous Oulu. The presentations provide the stimulus for the afternoon session, which focuses on prototyping of new urban computing applications and services using different prototyping methods and starting assumptions. The resulting prototypes are documented for further analysis and dissemination.

The workshop provides the participants with ample opportunity for active interaction with like-minded colleagues on urban computing. Additional benefits include inside access to recent activities and findings of a leading edge urban computing research program and a comprehensive overview of the ongoing UBI Challenge (


Aug 09, 2010 – Submission deadline (final extension)

Aug 23, 2010 – Notification of acceptance

Sep 06, 2010 – Camera-ready deadline

Sep 26, 2010 – Workshop at Ubicomp 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark


Timo Ojala, University of Oulu, Finland

Jukka Riekki, University of Oulu, Finland


Anind Dey, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Marcus Foth, Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Jonna Häkkilä, Nokia Research Center, Finland

Timo Ojala, University of Oulu, Finland

Jukka Riekki, University of Oulu, Finland

Jürgen Scheible, Aalto University, Finland

Mikael Wiberg, Umeå University, Sweden


Papers should be formatted according to the Ubicomp ACM Word or Latex template ( and submitted as PDF files. Papers must be no longer than 4 pages, including the abstract of no more than 150 words, all figures, and references. Paper submissions have to be anonymized to facilitate double blind review. Authors should take care throughout their paper that their and their institution’s identity is not revealed. However, relevant references to an author’s previous research (which may be required for reviewers to understand and evaluate the paper’s contribution) should not be suppressed but instead referenced in a neutral way.


Papers are submitted using the EasyChair Conference System ( You need an EasyChair account to submit your paper.


Workshop proceedings will be published by the University of Oulu with an ISBN number in electronic format. The proceedings will be later offered to international publishers for publication.