Posts tagged: lift@home

Lift Workshop @ Weimar, Germany, 31 Oct 2010

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By Marcus Foth, 06/10/2010 12:05 pm

Sustainable Interaction with Food, Technology, and the City

This workshop explores innovative approaches to understanding and cultivating sustainable food culture in urban environments via human-computer-interaction (HCI) design and ubiquitous technologies in urban environments. We perceive the city as an intersecting network of people, place, and technology in constant transformation. Lift Workshop @Weimar explores mobile human-food interaction and the role of interactive media in engaging citizens to cultivate more sustainable everyday human-food interactions on the go. Interactive media in this sense is distributed, pervasive, and embedded in the city as a network. The workshop addresses environmental, health, and social domains of sustainability by bringing together insights across disciplines to discuss conceptual and design approaches in orchestrating mobility and interaction of people and food in the city as a network of people, place, technology, and food.


  • Mark Shepard, Assistant Professor, Departments of Architecture and Media Study at University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
  • Katharine S. Willis, Researcher / Artist / Architect at University of Siegen
  • Marcus Foth, Associate Professor / Principal Research Fellow at Queensland University of Technology
  • Jaz Hee-jeong Choi, ARC Australian Postdoctoral Fellow (Industry) at Queensland University of Technology

The presentations will be followed by a Q&A session with the speakers.

More information, and registration page:

Lift Workshop @ Pécs, Hungary, 26 Sep 2010

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By Marcus Foth, 10/09/2010 12:02 pm

The first edition of Lift Workshop in Hungary sets the scene in the Eastern Quartier of Pécs at a historical coal mining site, an outstanding architectural merit, now part of the city’s cultural heritage. As European Capital of Culture in 2010, Pécs attracts international attention as a cultural pole on the periphery of the European Union.

Departing from this context Lift Workshop @ Hungary addresses the possibilities of new technologies in the socio-cultural periphery of a changing post-industrial urban landscape. It turns this particular locality and its challenges into the centre of the attention of architects, artists, social scientists from the region and from regional media labs with the objective to explore and connect with recent discussions regarding urban computing and situated technologies and extend the discourse to specific regional issues and problems.

The aim of the workshop is to explore the implications of urban information systems for architecture and urban design, disciplines that have been largely absent from the mostly technologist-driven discussions of “ubiquitous” computing but nevertheless can provide new insights and alternative perspectives on the implications of “networked objects” for urban culture, newly emerging spatial practices and organizational forms. During the workshop participants develop responses, scenarios applicable to Eastern Quartier and later other urban areas undergoing similar transformation.

Lift Workshop @ Hungary: Eastern Quartier is organized by Kitchen Budapest in collaboration with KÉK – Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre. To find out more about the organizers, our sponsors click here.

More information, and registration page: