Posts tagged: arduino

Making things sense: Urban sensing and physical computing

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By Jan Seeburger, 12/04/2010 8:21 am

12–6pm Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 May 2010
What: software, hardware, and leading experts showing you how to use it
Cost: TBA
Bookings: email The Edge

The city is full of information. NICTA is addressing the challenge of getting access to this information to connect with others, find out where cool things are happening, learn, and display information about the power we use, the food we eat, the environment we live in.

In this workshop you will learn how to tap into some of information the city has to offer. We will learn how to use Arduino micro-controller and hook up a variety of different sensors. We interpret the sensor results and share them to be used across different projects.

Once we’ve covered the basics you get to do your own project. Some basic understanding of programming will be helpful, however the course is targeted at beginners and you will be able to pick up the necessary skills as you go along.

What you will learn

  • What is an Arduino, and how to use it
  • How to program an Arduino
  • How to build basic circuits
  • How to share sensor information using Pachube
  • How to visualising sensor information with hardware and software
  • How to do your own cool Arduino projects

Course program

Day 1: Teaching and experimentation

Learn the basics about the Arduino platform, what it is how it works. Write your first program and upload it. Learn how to use a breadboard to build circuits. Experiment with different components and sensors. Learn a bit more about the programming language we use—Processing.

Day 2: Project/group work

During day 2 you will pick your own project to do as part of a group. We will help you to conceptualise your ideas and turn them into a hardware and software design. A day full of tinkering and fun.