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7/11/2011 Marcus Foth’s Presentation @ Bond University

Entitled: “Urban Informatics: Digital Metamorphosis from Social Butterfly to Engaged Citizen”

15/11/2011 Marcus Foth’s Guest Lecture @ Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Entitled: “The Digital Metamorphosis from Social Butterfly to Engaged Citizen”

06/06/2011 LibraryHack: An interview with Markus Rittenbruch and Mark Bilandzik

QUT Urban Informatics researchers Markus Rittenbruch and Mark Bilandzik talk about the role of data in their work with street computing and the Creative Industries Urban Informatics research lab.

26/09/2010 Marcus Foth talks at Lift Workshop @ Hungary

Lift Workshop @ Hungary took place on Sunday, 26. September 2010 in the old compressor hall of Széchenyi mine, in the Eastern Quartier of Pécs.

09/06/2010 – The Urban Informatics Research Lab: Research Collaborations with Industry Partners (Tieto, Helsinki)

Associate Professor Marcus Foth and Dr Jaz Choi present an overview of the projects that the Urban Informatics Research Lab are currently working on.

10/02/2010 – Urban Informatics in Creative Industries

Urban Informatics in Creative Industries. Trois amuse-geules.
Presentation given at the Making Connections: Innovations in Research event at Queensland University of Technology, Gardens Point campus

22/01/2009 – Urban Futures

Dr Marcus Foth speaks about current perceptions of living space and how performance approaches can be used to inform future directions in residential design.

15/08/2007 – Urban Informatics (Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, UK)

In his OII Seminar on ‘Urban Informatics – The Internet, Locative Media and Mobile Technology for Urbanites’, Marcus Foth provides an overview of the urban informatics research questions and projects being explored by the ‘New Media in the Urban Village’ team (Creative Industries Faculty, QUT), who are exploring the communicative ecology of urban residents, community engagement using public history and digital storytelling, and social navigation for mobile urban information systems. See:


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07/10/2010 Interview with Dr Chris McGrath


Interview with Dr Chris McGrath, senior lecture at the University of Queensland and Environmental Lawyer. The interview will discuss some cases Chris has worked on, environmental law and environmental sustainability and Chris’s thoughts on the use of technology to enhance public awareness on environmental issues

31/03/2010 Interview with John Zeng


Interview with John Zheng who is a strategic planner from the Rockhampton Regional Council. The interview discusses John’s work with the preparation of rewriting new planning schemes and his thoughts on engaging the community through the use of technology.

04/11/2009 Interview with Martin Zaltron


Interview with Martin Zaltron who is a manger and director for the Urban Development Institute of Australia, Queensland Branch. The interview will discuss the UDIA’s role in Queensland, neighbourhood planning, environmental sustainability and martin’s thoughts on urban informatics and how it can be used for community engagement.

14/08/2009 Interview with Linda Carroli


Interview with Linda Carroli who is a writer, editor, researcher and consultant, investigating the areas of art, science, technology and urbanism. The interview discusses Linda’s move from journalism to urban planning. Furthermore, it explores the Placing Project and Linda’s thoughts on making urban planning more engaging for society.

02/07/2009 Interview with Joanne Jakovich


Interview with Joanne Jakovich who is an interactive architect and researcher at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS). This interview discusses Joanne’s time spent in Japan, her research projects, Joanne’s thoughts on architecture and technology, and her involvement with the Urban Islands projects on Sydney’s Cockatoo Island.

16/03/2009 Interview with Helen Klaebe


Interview with Dr Helen Klaebe, Senior Research Fellow at the Creative Industries Faculty, Queensland University of Technology. This interview discusses digital story telling, urban history and its connection with urban informatics and Dr Klaebe’s involvement in the Kelvin Grove Urban Village.

04/06/2009 The Second Life of Urban Planning

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