Journal Articles

Tacchi, J., Foth, M., & Hearn, G. (2009, in press). Action Research Practices and Media for Development. International Journal of Education and Development using ICT, 5(2). Accepted 4 Jan 2009. (eprints >)

Choi, J. H.-j., Foth, M., & Hearn, G. (2009, in press). Site specific mobility and connection in Korea: bangs (rooms) between public and private spaces. Technology in Society, 31(2). Accepted 9 March 2008. (eprints >)

Foth, M. (2009, forthcoming). Participation, animation, design: A tripartite approach to urban community networking. AI & Society. Accepted 18 June 2008. (eprints >)

Hearn, G., Foth, M., & Gray, H. (2009). Applications and implementations of new media in corporate communications: An action research approach. Corporate Communications, 14(1), 49-61. (eprints >)

Foth, M., Paulos, E., Satchell, C., & Dourish, P. (2009). Pervasive Computing and Environmental Sustainability: Two Conference Workshops. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 8(1), 78-81. (eprints >)

Carroll, J.-A., Adkins, B., Foth, M., Parker, E., & Jamali, S. (2008). My Place through My Eyes: A social constructionist approach to researching the relationships between socioeconomic living contexts and physical activity. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 3(4), 204-218. (eprints >)

Satchell, C., & Foth, M. (2008). The Re-creation of Identity in Digital Environments and the Potential Benefits for Non-Profit and Community Organisations. 3CMedia, 4, 16-27. (eprints >)

Notley, T., & Foth, M. (2008). Extending Australia’s Digital Divide Policy: An Examination of the Value of Social Inclusion and Social Capital Policy Frameworks. Australian Social Policy, 2007. (eprints >)

Foth, M., Klaebe, H., & Hearn, G. (2008). The Role of New Media and Digital Narratives in Urban Planning and Community Development. Body, Space & Technology, 7(2). (eprints >)

Foth, M., & Hearn, G. (2007). Networked Individualism of Urban Residents: Discovering the communicative ecology in inner-city apartment buildings. Information, Communication & Society, 10(5), 749-772. (eprints >)

Bilandzic, M., & Foth, M. (2007). Urban Computing and Mobile Devices: Mobile Location Bookmarking. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 6(3), 53. (eprints >)

Foth, M., & Klaebe, H. (2007). Urban Computing and Mobile Devices: Social Patchwork – Urban History Lines. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 6(3), 53. (eprints >)

Adkins, B., Foth, M., Summerville, J., & Higgs, P. (2007). Ecologies of Innovation: Symbolic Aspects of Cross-Organizational Linkages in the Design Sector in an Australian Inner-City Area. American Behavioral Scientist, 50(7), 922-934. (eprints >)

Martinotti, G., Dal Fiore, F., & Foth, M. (2007). Introduction: The Human Web. American Behavioral Scientist, 50(7), 851-856. (eprints >)

Spurgeon, C., Foth, M., Severson, P., & Collis, C. (2006). Media Mapping: Reflections on Australian and Swedish Experiences with a New Educational Technology in Media and Communication Studies. Electronic Journal of Communication, 16(1-2). (eprints >)

Timbrell, G., Foth, M., & Hearn, G. (2006). Towards Knowledge Management for Explorers: The Case of the Brisbane Airport Corporation. International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, 6(6), 97-104. (eprints >)

Foth, M. (2006). Facilitating Social Networking in Inner-City Neighborhoods. IEEE Computer, 39(9), 44-50. (eprints >)

Foth, M., & Adkins, B. (2006). A Research Design to Build Effective Partnerships between City Planners, Developers, Government and Urban Neighbourhood Communities. Journal of Community Informatics, 2(2), 116-133. (eprints >)

Foth, M. (2006). Network Action Research. Action Research, 4(2), 205-226. (eprints >)

Foth, M. (2006). Analyzing the Factors Influencing the Successful Design and Uptake of Interactive Systems to Support Social Networks in Urban Neighborhoods. International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, 2(2), 65-79. (eprints >)