Tiago Dias Camacho

Tiago holds both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Computer Science from the University of Madeira, Portugal. Tiago has worked as an assistant researcher for the local university for two years where he was involved in multiple projects, including projects related to public transportation and fuel consumption efficiency. Tiago also was involved in a mobility related project while working as a visiting researcher at the university of Oulu, Finland. During this last two years, he acquired interest in the areas of smart transportation and Intelligent Transportation Systems, which led him to pursue a PhD at QUT. Currently funded by the RailCRC consortium and QUT, Tiago will be studying railway and other methods of public transportation methods in Queensland, taking an interdisciplinary approach that involves various areas such as Human-Computer Interaction, Real-time Information Systems and Dynamic Decision Making.

When not emerged into his PhD work, Tiago loves to go and have a good swim, especially in the beautiful salty waters of Australia. Running and playing soccer are other of his favourite sports. He also does not mind going out and have a drink at the weekend with his friends in order to relax a bit.