EnergyWiz at Google Developer Day 2010 in Munich

The mobile, social energy monitor application EnergyWiz will be presented at the Google Developer Day 2010 conference in Munich! The conference, which takes place on November 9, is a one-day event featuring technical content on the latest Google developer products and will attract huge crowd of developers from all across Europe.
Although the event is a place where the Google development team presents their cutting-edge technologies, several non-Google projects were selected in the highly-competitive category “Interdisciplinary Prototyping” among which is EnergyWiz.

The presentation of EnergyWiz will be two-fold: first, the application developer – Petromil Petkov will give a talk before the Google developer community about the technology and the unique approach behind EnergyWiz; second, the attendees will have the opportunity to get a hands-on experience with the application during the “Innovation Sandbox” session.

Stay tuned for more information on this site or follow the development in Twitter @EnergyWizHQ !

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