QUT Urban Informatics iPhone app DispoMaps version 2 now available

QUT Urban Informatics iPhone app DispoMaps version 2 by Jan Seeburger now available

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DispoMaps enables you to share your current location on an online map with anyone. The map is constantly updated as you go, using your iPhone’s GPS.

DispoMaps is easy to use. Launch the app, switch Location Sharing to “ON,” and decide how you want to share your location: via SMS, email, twitter, or facebook.

Your recipients will be sent a link to a unique web page displaying a map of your real-time location. Once you have arrived at your destination, you can easily dispose of your map by switching Location Sharing to “OFF.”

DispoMaps does not require user accounts. And the recipients of your DispoMaps do not even have to have the app installed.

Your privacy is protected: The web page does not contain any information that reveals your personal identity. DispoMaps allows you to stop sharing and dispose of your map whenever you want. For enhanced security, DispoMaps automatically expire after a set period of idle time.

What’s new in version 2.0
-       Major bug fixes
-       Major user interface improvements
-       Twitter integration
-       Facebook Connect integration

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