2nd Open Ubiquitous City Seminar

2nd Open Ubiquitous City Seminar


31 May 2010
Oulu, Finland

This high profile seminar features many distinguished international experts addressing various aspects of ubiquitous and urban computing.

The seminar is open and free to the general public.

Location: City Library, Kaarlenväylä 3, Pakkala Hall
Time: 9-16


Professor Anind Dey, Carnegie Mellon University, USA: Real World Context-Aware Systems

Associate Professor Marcus Foth, Queensland University of Technology, Australia: Urban Informatics and Sustainable Cities

Professor Vassilis Kostakos, University of Madeira, Portugal: Urban Social Networks Analysis

Jürgen Scheible, Aalto University, Finland: Creating and Sharing Artistic Experiences with Ubiquitous Technology

Zach Shelby, Head of Research, Sensinode, Finland: IP-based Wireless Sensor Networks

Professor Mikael Wiberg, Umeå University, Sweden: Interactive Textures – rethinking materiality

Professor Timo Ojala, University of Oulu, Finland: UBI Pilot 2010

Please also note:
1st International UBI Summer School 2010
May 31 – June 4, 2010, Oulu, Finland

Date: Monday, 31 May 2010
Time: 09:00 – 16:00
Location: City Library, Pakkala Hall
Street: Kaarlenväylä 3
City: Oulu, Finland

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